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Isadora Lee Vaughn was born in Seattle, Washington on November 12th, 1982. It had been believed that her parents, two middle-aged self-proclaimed "free love advocates", could not have children. This fact - combined with their shared outlook on society and its varying dysfunctions - was the determining factor in their decision to retreat to a hippie commune in upstate Washington. To their shared surprise, they conceived several months into the transition and welcomed their first and only child with the aid of a midwife and opted to raise her within the shelter of their community.

Isadora (or "Izzy" as she prefers) is named for Isadora Duncan, a famous American dancer and arguably the first lady of contemporary movement. Izzy's mother was a gifted dancer with roots in the New York Metropolitan Ballet and she shared Duncan's philosophical views on everything from dance and the arts to politics and sexuality.

Izzy participated in a home schooling program and showed great promise as a pupil early on. Her favorite subjects were geography, horticulture and holistic medicines. Her father was a skilled farmer and taught his daughter to appreciate the earth and all of her many gifts. Marijuana was a particularly common crop on the commune and her parents did not discourage her from smoking when she came of what they deemed an appropriate age. Her parents believed in a free flowing partnership parenting program. That is, they encouraged their daughter to explore any and all nuances of her fancy in a responsible manner.

Izzy left the commune when she was 17 to join a traveling caravan of musicians, performance artists and other vagabonds of various anti-occupations. Her travels took her all over the midwest and it was on this journey that she met Jason Woodroe. He was several years older than Izzy, devilishly handsome and addicted to pain medication. He had left his job as an insurance salesman to "find himself" on what he called the "Supertramp Highway of Life". Izzy was immediately enamored and the two began a romance that would inevitably prove toxic. Jason abandoned Izzy in Kansas City after convincing their traveling companions that she had grown tired of life on the road and returned home to Seattle. Penniless and alone in an unknown city, her heart hardened to love, Izzy resolved to leave her life as a flower child behind.

Izzy returned home to Seattle and opted out of completing her home school education. Instead, she pursued her G.E.D. and went on to attend a community college for two years. Undecided on her major, she drifted through her classes with increasing indifference. Her wanderlust was strong and she longed to be on the road again. Dropping out of school, she moved from state to state, working the odd end jobs here and there, before she settled in Boston. It was there that she experienced a rejuvenated interest in education and she enrolled in Boston University at 22. She decided to major in journalism with an emphasis in environmental outreach.


Pamela Isley grew up wealthy with emotionally distant parents. A model student and brilliant mind, she studied advanced botanical biochemistry at a university under Dr. Jason Woodrue. A timid, shrinking violet, Pamela was easily seduced by her professor. However, Woodrue's intentions were far from pure and he injected Isley with poisons and toxins as an experiment, causing her transformation. She nearly died twice as a result from the poisonings, driving her insane. When university staff notified the authorities of suspicious activity in Woodrue's lab, he fleed from the authorities, leaving Pamela in the hospital for six months. Enraged by the betrayal, Pamela began to suffer from violent mood swings as her abilities began to manifest themselves. Making what the doctors presumed to be a full recovery, Pamela was released from the hospital. She dropped out of school shortly after and left Seattle, eventually settling in Gotham City.

Powers & Abilities • Botany • Toxicology • Hand-to-Hand Combat Seduction • Wrist-mounted crossbow
Chlorokinesis • Pheromone Control Toxikinesis • Toxic Immunity

birth name Isadora Lee Vaughn nick name(s) izzy, iz, dora date of birth & age 12 November, 1986 & 28 occupation 'socialite' (escort)
astrological sign
seattle, wa
boston, ma


• Is an ink fiend. Currently has six tattoos.

• Her personality can only be described as kittenish. She is a shameless flirt. She'd flirt with a wall if she knew it would flirt back.

• Alternately, she suffers no fools and will immediately dress down anyone she feels is rude or ill spirited. She calls it exactly as she sees it and makes no apologies for that fact.

• Indulges more freely and often in marijuana than any other substance, including alcohol. A past abusive relationship with an alcoholic makes her shy away from the stuff.

• Began her career as a "sugar baby" while she was still in college. It began with an affair with a professor and grew from there. She enjoys exercising control over the opposite sex through the "worlds oldest profession" and being her own boss, as it were.

• Loving mother to an albino boa constrictor named "Rocky Balboa", a tarantula named "Tammy" and a piranha named "Frosty".